Education and Research Experience

  • Summer Internship May 2015 August 2015

    Research Intern at Computational Biology Group

    IBM T.J Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY

    Manager: Dr. Laxmi Parida

    Mentor: Dr. Erhan Bilal

  • Ph.D. May 2016 (Expected) August 2012

    Ph.D. in Bioinformatics

    Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology, Virginia Tech

    Major: Computer Science, Minor: Life Sciences

    Advisor: Dr. Ruth Grene, Department of Plant Plant Pathology, Physiology, and Weed sciences.

    Co-advisors: Dr. Lenwood Heath and Dr. Eva Collakova, Department of Computer Science, Deparment of Plant Plant Pathology, Physiology, and Weed sciences

  • M.Sc.2011

    Master of Science in Computer Engineering

    Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnique)

  • B.Sc.2009

    Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

    Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnique)

Honers & Awards

  • March 2015
    Molecular Plant Science (MPS) Student Grant Proposal Winner
  • March 2014
    Molecular Plant Science (MPS) Travel Award Fellowship for 2nd Plant Genomics Conference
  • April 2014
    Best Poster Award at PPWS Symposium
  • November 2013
    NIH Fellowship for National Short Course in System Biology, University of California, Irvine
  • May 2011
    Best Master Thesis Award in Amirkabir University of Technology
  • September 2011
    Ranked 3rd among M.Sc. Students in Computer Engineering at Amirkabir University of Technology
  • September 2009
    Ranked 2rd among B.Sc. Students in Computer Engineering at Amirkabir University of Technology
Delasa Aghamirzaie Delasa Aghamirzaie Delasa Aghamirzaie Delasa Aghamirzaie Delasa Aghamirzaie Delasa Aghamirzaie Delasa Aghamirzaie